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Suniti's Advice Corner

Planting Dandelions Blog: TestRocker Review

Posted by TestRocker Team on Fri, Jan 03, 2014

I used to be a hands-off homework parent, unless asked for help. And although this Planting Dandelionsapproach is being championed in the media lately, in my instance, it was born less of philosophy, and more of happenstance. My kids are blessed with high intelligence, and are without major learning impediments. The grade school years have been a blissful, battle-free zone, as far as homework goes. We’ve all enjoyed coasting. 

As my older boys have risen through the secondary grades, this lofty ground has become quite a bit rockier. My high school freshman and I frequently battle over homework, and I was a bit worried about expanding the war to a new front when we were offered the chance for him to use TestRocker, an online study aid for college entrance exams.

So it’s a considerable endorsement of the program to say that he has progressed over a month into the study plan without me nagging, threatening, or having to utter dire predictions for his future. It doesn’t hurt that I have subcontracted him for this series of reports, and there’s a paycheck dangling ahead, but nobody’s paying him not to complain when I remind him to put the time in.

Click here to read the entire review

Tags: For Parents

About Suniti

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Suniti is the creator of TestRocker, an online learning platform that helps you unlock your dream PSAT, SAT and ACT scores. TestRocker is based on Suniti’s highly successful and proven method of teaching thousands of students how to maximize their PSAT, SAT and ACT scores for over a decade.

TestRocker is an award-winning PSAT/SAT/ACT program that empowers students to take control of their test preparation. After taking a diagnostic test, students receive a customized study plan, individualized to their strengths/weaknesses. Students practice and learn concepts through videos. Each of the 2000+ questions on TestRocker is accompanied by a video explanation from Suniti. TestRocker has the largest video library in the world for PSAT/SAT/ACT preparation. 

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