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Suniti's Advice Corner

Why is the SAT/ACT important?

Posted by Suniti Mathur on Tue, Sep 29, 2015

why is the SAT/ACT important?


Lately, many students have asked us why the SAT/ACT tests are important. We realized that while students are always told they have to take the tests, no one has really explained why! There are many reasons, but here are three few really good ones:


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The first line of defense:

University admissions officers receive thousands of applications each year. Each application is evaluated by a human being, and there are only so many hours in the day. So, they need to narrow down their piles of applications to the really serious contenders. The quickest way for them to do so is to look at GPAs and SAT/ACT scores. If your scores aren’t competitive, your application could end up in the denied pile even before your essays, recommendations etc. get read.

Proof in Numbers:

GPAs and SAT/ACT scores provide a glimpse into how you will perform with the rigor of courses once you get accepted into University. By the time you apply for college, your GPA is not going to change too much. However, your SAT/ACT score has a lot of room for improvement! By increasing your score, you can show university admissions officers that you are capable of working hard, performing well in stressful situations and learning a large amount of content in a short period of time.

Money, Money, Money:

Universities award millions of dollars in financial aid every year. Merit-based scholarships are awarded to students with high test-scores and achievements.

 The SAT/ACT tests are of course, just a part of your entire college application. While high test-scores alone will not get you accepted, low SAT/ACT scores can be the reason you don’t get accepted.

If you haven't submitted your applications yet, there is still time to improve your scores. Sign up for a planning session so that we can help you cross the first line of defense! 


You might also find these blogs useful:

Scared of the SAT/ACT?
SAT vs ACT Webinar: Which Test is Right for You?
The Content and Structure of the New SAT
The top 4 reasons to take both the SAT and ACT


Tags: For Students, For Parents

About Suniti

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Suniti is the creator of TestRocker, an online learning platform that helps you unlock your dream SAT and ACT scores. TestRocker is based on Suniti’s highly successful and proven method of teaching students how to maximize their SAT and ACT scores, a method she has perfected through tutoring thousands of students globally for more than a decade. 

TestRocker is a one of a kind online SAT/ACT program that empowers students to take control of their test preparation. After taking our diagnostic test a customized study plan, individualized to students' strengths/weaknesses, allows them to track progress as they work through the program. Each of the 1,200 SAT & 2000 ACT questions on TestRocker are accompanied by video explanations from Suniti. Parents are able to track their child’s progress through biweekly reports.

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