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Suniti's Advice Corner

Disappointed With Your First SAT Attempt? Tips for a better SAT score!

Posted by Suniti Mathur on Wed, Feb 18, 2015

Ok, so your first attempt wasn’t exactly the cakewalk you thought it would be. It’s not the end of the world. That’s why the test is offered several times a year. There is still time to improve (if there is at least one test date before your college application deadlines). 

Most students take the test more than once, increasing their chances of the score they want. Each test you take is an opportunity to improve the next time around. Taking a test is like flexing a specific muscle. The more you do it, the better your results will become. But like every workout, you need to stay diligent and plan accordingly.

Here are 5 things you can do now to get a better score:

  1. Know Thy Enemy!

    Analyze your score report. Find your strengths and your weaknesses. Figure out what brought your score down and plan your prep to focus more on improving those sections.

  2. To better understand, or for a full tactical analysis on your score, schedule a free consultation with us.  

  3. Victory is in the Preparation!

    Make preparation a priority. Don’t expect to do better by simply showing up on game day. Sit down with your parents or counselor and decide on your test-prep method for the next attempt(s). Here are 5 questions you must ask when selecting a test prep method. Once you've decided how you will prepare, write out a practice schedule that you can stick to. Utilize weekends and school breaks. Actually writing out the days you plan on working towards your goal is the first step. Don’t just make a commitment in your mind. Writing it down will improve your likelihood of actually sticking with your plan of attack. Start today!

  4. Select your Dates of Battle.

    Decide as soon as possible when you will be taking the test for a 2nd and then 3rd time (if needed). Mark those dates in your calendars. Knowing when your test is will make planning a study schedule easier and reduce stress. Don’t put it off until later. Knowing exactly when your test is, gives you one less thing to worry about. Remember that you can super score (the sum of the best performance in each section across all three attempts). If you need advice on picking the right test dates for you, read this blog entry. 

  5. Diversify your Point of Attack.

    The SAT isn’t the only test you can take to show off your academic abilities. Simultaneously look into the ACT. Maybe you will do better on that test. More options mean a higher possibility of success. Read our top 4 reasons to take both the SAT & the ACT

  6. Make Strong Allies!

    Too often people think that they have to go into this process alone. It doesn’t have to be that way. Get a friend, teacher or family member to keep you on track. Having someone there just to keep you pushing forward will not only increase your chances of staying on your prep schedule, but also, it can boost confidence and increase your likelihood of success. We know it’s a stressful process, but remember, you’re not in it alone. 

You might also enjoy the following blogs:

How to Become a Great Test Taker

The New SAT: Advice for the Class of 2017

How to Choose a Target Score

Tags: For Students

About Suniti

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Suniti is the creator of TestRocker, an online learning platform that helps you unlock your dream SAT and ACT scores. TestRocker is based on Suniti’s highly successful and proven method of teaching students how to maximize their SAT and ACT scores, a method she has perfected through tutoring thousands of students globally for more than a decade. 

TestRocker is a one of a kind online SAT/ACT program that empowers students to take control of their test preparation. After taking our diagnostic test a customized study plan, individualized to students' strengths/weaknesses, allows them to track progress as they work through the program. Each of the 1,200 SAT & 2000 ACT questions on TestRocker are accompanied by video explanations from Suniti. Parents are able to track their child’s progress through biweekly reports.

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